Flourescent Black!

I was fortunate enough to meet the very talented Nathan Fox (artist) and Jeromy Cox (colorist) last night at my favorite comic book shop in Brooklyn – BERGEN STREET COMICS!!!

They were signing for their re-released graphic novel ‘Flourescent Black’ which was written by M.F. Wilson, and originally released as single issues by Heavy Metal.

I’m happy to report that they were both extremely friendly. I had the opportunity to chat with Jeromy Cox for awhile and he embodies everything I love about the comic book culture. Even though he is a professional comic book colorist, he still makes time to pick up a stack of comics weekly. He doesn’t discriminate against any style or story, and just loves the genre as a whole.

He gave me a lot of good advice about breaking into the industry as he started out as a self-published comic book writer/artist, and proves that if you have a great idea, getting noticed is the easy part. The real test is to maintain deadlines. Thanks, Jeromy!

~ by deathtaxcomic on October 7, 2010.

One Response to “Flourescent Black!”

  1. such a fun night!

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